Beware the noggin.

Beware the noggin.


A site dedicated to creating custom gaming experiences, both inside and outside of the box.

I've Got 99 Problems, and COVID-19 is Certainly One...

I've Got 99 Problems, and COVID-19 is Certainly One...

Hey there.

How’re you doing?

You doing okay?

Staying hydrated, I hope?

Coughing into your elbow? Washing your hands?

Maintaining your six-foot territorial bubble?

Oh, me?

I’m fine.

So far.

No, I don’t have the ‘VID.

Yes, I’m practicing proper hand washing and social distancing.

Just a quick update:

During the day I work as a physical therapist. Many of my patients are geriatric or in otherwise vulnerable populations, and so they are wisely cancelling services for the time being. Yes, I wear a mask and glasses, and my hands are starting to look a bit mummy-esque from all of the hand washing. Yes, I train/educate my patients from a safe distance and keep physical contact to an absolute minimum. But if a patient tells me they’re quarantining themselves, I respect their wishes.

Quarantine away, baby.

I’ve been writing less here as of late so I can spend more time/energy on figuring out how to build an internet-based, COVID-19-proof PT practice. Its…complex. Ultimately it’s going to be insanely rewarding though. There’s nothing quite like living life on your own terms, eh? Eh??

As far as Godspar is concerned, I am still working on Godspar posts and products, but at a slower and less focused pace. Gotta make that money, honey!

I have, however, come up with two (no, three!) new entries for The Book of Wretchedness related to the Corona Virus (one of which I used during a recent Star Wars Saga session in an unpolished form) and have had time to watch The Expanse, giving me plenty of new ideas for chems/meds/drugs for the BattleTech: Beyond Electrodrome expansion.

So things are coming along. SWIMMINGLY, even.

Anyhow, just dropping off a love letter to you, my fellow gamers.

Real talk, I hope everyone’s doing well, cooking up a psychokinetic storm of one-shots and random loot tables and homebrew beasties. I hope your loved ones are safe and healthy and that you’re keeping the Cabin Fever at bay.

As always,

Be creative. Have fun. Get weird.

The Corvixix Parasite

The Corvixix Parasite

Giving Your Players Parasites: Fey Parasites; Ashmaker.

Giving Your Players Parasites: Fey Parasites; Ashmaker.